This Carers Rights Day help Lambeth carers find out about local help and support!
Did you know that Carers Rights Day is coming up this week on Thursday 26th November?
Organised by Carers UK, this national awareness day is designed to help:
● ensure carers are aware of their rights
● let carers know where to get help and support
● raise awareness of the needs of carers
Whether carers are new to caring or have been caring for someone for a while, it’s vital that every carer understands their rights and is aware of the support that is available to them.
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted on every aspect of caring, and according to Carers Week research led to an extra 4.5 million people in the UK taking on caring responsibilities. In a recent Carers UK survey ‘74% of carers said they are exhausted and worn out as a result of caring during the pandemic' making this year’s Carers Rights Day more important than ever.
At Carers’ Hub Lambeth we'll be marking the day with an online event focusing on mental health and wellbeing, and supporting the Carers Rights Day campaign on social media.
We also believe it’s really important more carers know what help and support is available in our borough. That’s why this Carers Rights Day we’re asking for your help, by letting carers in your networks, or carers you support through your work know about the new Lambeth Carers Card scheme. Developed by Carers’ Hub and MYsocial, the Lambeth Carers Card connects unpaid carers to information, support and local services within the borough. Benefits include, free access to the Lambeth version of the Carers UK digital resources and Jointly App, emergency planning resources, regular newsletters and webinars full of helpful local signposting.
The scheme is open to unpaid carers aged 18+ who either live in or care for someone that lives in Lambeth. Carers can register here to access the benefits available via the Lambeth Carers Card.
Finding out more
You can find out more about the Lambeth Carers Card and what information and support is available for carers by visiting:
Check out full details of the national Carers Rights Day campaign here.