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Carers’ Hub Lambeth see the Carers Strategy as a vital opportunity to raise awareness of carers and improve carer support in our borough.

We’re working with the Carers Collaborative Strategy Group to help make the carers strategy a reality.

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Our vision is for families and carers in Lambeth to feel recognised, valued and included as equal partners in the support and care for the person they care for. Equally we want families and carers to have full, enjoyable and confident lives in their own right alongside their caring role.


The Lambeth Carers Strategy seeks to improve the quality of life of unpaid carers in our borough.  The 2024-29 strategy sets out seven priorities to deliver our vision for how we will support carers in Lambeth:

  • Mental, physical and emotional wellbeing of carers 

  • Integrated carers pathway and support offer 

  • Equipped workforce 

  • Visibility, recognition, identification and awareness of Carers 

  • Empowering Carers 

  • Carer equity 

  • Helping to prevent carers from financial hardship

Making it happen


The 2024-29 Carers Strategy has been developed by Lambeth in partnership with Carers Hub Lambeth, and has been informed by close collaboration and consultation with unpaid carers, the people who support them, the Carers Collaborative Strategy Group, health and care agencies, the local voluntary sector and the wider community. To deliver the strategy's seven priorities, actions and workstreams have been identified for each priority. 

Find out more & read the strategy in full here.

If you would like to be kept in the loop with progress on the strategy and opportunities to get involved with the Carers Collaborative Strategy Group, Carers Collaborative Network or carer involvement opportunities please contact us on or 020 7501 8970.

How CARERS HUB are involved

  • We play a key role in delivering the actions set out in the 2024-29 strategy, alongside organisations including Lambeth Council, the South East London Integrated Commissioning System, and  local community organisations. 

  • We host the Carers Collaborative Network, bringing together local carers organisations and carers leads in Lambeth. 

  • The Carers Collaborative Strategy Group brings together carers and representatives from Age UK Lambeth, Carers4Carers, Carers' Hub Lambeth, Lambeth Learning Disability Assembly, Lambeth Parent Forum, London Borough of Lambeth, NHS SEL CCG and South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust.

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Carers Hub Lambeth, Floor 4, 336 Brixton Road, London, SW9 7AA. Registered charity number 1182120. Company number 11403363

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