register with Carers' Hub
If you're an unpaid carer and live in Lambeth or care for someone who lives in the borough, please use the form on this page to register with Carers' Hub.
Young carers aged 13+ can also self refer via this form. If you are under 13, please ask your parent or guardian to complete the form on your behalf.
Our Online Registration Form
This form is for registering with Carers' Hub Lambeth. If you have queries or questions, please contact us via this form.
You can also get in touch via phone, between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday. Call 020 7501 8970 for Adult Carer Services, or 020 7501 8972 to get in touch with our Young Carers team.
At Carers Hub Lambeth, we take looking after your data very seriously. You can find out more about how we look after your personal information by reading our privacy notice here.