New to Caring or Confused where to go next?

Top Tips and Signposting Information
Sometimes it can be hard to know what is out there for you as a carer, and what you are entitled to.
We’ve created a guide to let you know about the support on offer in Lambeth, and the different ways Carers' Hub can help.

Carers' Rights and Assessments
Carers have several specific rights, protected by law. This includes the right to a Carers' Assessment.
As part of Carers Rights Day 2022, we have produced two guides about your rights and Carers Assessments in Lambeth.
Click here for our Adult Carers resource or here for our Young Carers resource.
organisations and
services in lambeth
Connect Lambeth is the new name for the Independent Living and Carers' Partnership (ILCP), a consortium of charities that has been providing services across Lambeth for over 5 years. The charities involved in Connect Lambeth are:
Community Services Network South London
Disability Advice Services Lambeth
A directory of services in Lambeth to help make accessing information as straightforward as possible. Visit the My Community directory website to find out more
Find out about how to access support for carers offered by Lambeth Council.
The pioneering Gaia Centre, funded by the London Borough of Lambeth, was the first of its kind in the UK to offer a ‘single point of access’ for women, girls and men experiencing violence and abuse. This means that anybody experiencing any form of gender-based violence in Lambeth can find all the tailored support they need under one roof. The service supports more than 1,300 clients every year, through one-to-one casework, group work, outreach, independent advocacy and peer support.
Safeguarding adults is about protecting someone’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect and about preventing the abuse of adults who might be unable to protect themselves. It is something that everyone needs to know about. If you are concerned about someone over the age of 18 who has care and support needs, and you feel they are being abused or at risk of abuse from another person, you should seek help for them. The Lambeth Safeguarding Adults Board website has all the information about how to get help and advice.
Safeguarding children is about protecting children and young people under 18 from harm and promoting their well-being. It is something that everyone needs to know about. All children and young people have the right to live in safety, without emotional cruelty, neglect, violence, or sexual abuse.
If you are concerned about a child or young person who is under the age of 18 and you feel they are being abused or at risk of abuse from another person, you should seek help and visit the Lambeth Safeguarding Children Partnership website
Mental health

South London and Maudsley (SLAM) provide a wide range of NHS mental health services. They also provide services for people who are addicted to drugs and alcohol
You can get in touch about anything that’s troubling you, no matter how large or small the issue feels. The Samaritans can help you if you are worried about someone else too.

We have created a resource, sharing information on Suicide Prevention and Carer Wellbeing.
It includes services for in crisis, for long-term support, and for education and training.
Children and young people

Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Support Services Information.
This pdf includes information about universal, targeted and specialist services in the Borough.
Childline is a free and confidential service for anyone under 18 who wants to talk to someone straight away about any worries they may have, either about themselves or someone they know. This service is open 24 hours and you don’t have to say your real name. You can contact them by phone or email, or use their instant chat services.

We have created a PDF resource, which lists a lot of the suicide prevention and wellbeing services that are available to you.
This document includes online and in-person services, as well as contact information for each option. It is important that you know what is available to help you and anyone you care for. These services are free and many are confidential.