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Support for Adult Carers

We offer support for Adult and Parent Carers in the Borough of Lambeth. Learn more about our provision below. 

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If you look after a family member, friend, partner or neighbour then you are a carer. And if either you or they live in Lambeth, then we are here to support you.

We offer 1-1 Support, Signposting and Referrals, Monthly Peer Support Groups, and more. 


Working in partnership, Carers’ Hub Lambeth and MYsocial are delivering the Lambeth Carers Card scheme. The Lambeth Carers Card connects unpaid carers to helpful information and resources. 

Adult Carers can also access emergency planning support, as well as discounts and offers from select local businesses.


Advanced Care Planning is thinking ahead about how you would like to be cared for at the end of your life or if you were unable to express your wishes.

As part of the Lambeth Advance Care Planning consortium, we can help you understand and plan future care.

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Carers Hub Lambeth, Floor 4, 336 Brixton Road, London, SW9 7AA. Registered charity number 1182120. Company number 11403363

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