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Free and Low Cost Therapy and Counselling

Every year, on 10 September, organisations around the world get together to raise awareness about suicide prevention. One of the best ways to prevent these tragedies is early intervention and treatment, such as counselling.

There are a wide range of free and low cost therapies and counselling services available to local people. Some services are highly specialised, supporting people with certain conditions or identities.

Find out more and visit each website at the links below.

You may also consider finding out if communities that you are involved in, especially those with religious affiliations, can provide support or direct you to a specific service.

Many counselling services have a waitlist due to the current mental health crisis, so, in the meantime, you can seek other services, such as peer support, community outreach and phone helplines. Helpline services, like Samaritans, aren't reserved for those in full crisis mode, and can be used during any difficult times, when you need a friendly, non-judgemental ear.

Carers' Hub is always here to listen, and can help you to access as much support as possible.


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Carers Hub Lambeth, Floor 4, 336 Brixton Road, London, SW9 7AA. Registered charity number 1182120. Company number 11403363

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